
As the days grow shorter and the weather gets colder, you might be tempted to hang your gardening gloves for the season. But rest assured, your yard work isn’t quite done yet (is it ever?). If you want to preserve all the work you put into your lawn over the past year, you will need to do some winter maintenance to protect your lawn and prepare it for the spring.

Because let’s face it: lawns simply don’t take care of themselves, even in the winter. Granted, you don’t have nearly as much to do at this point, but there are a few steps you should take to ensure an easier transition into spring. Here are five ways to protect your lawn in the winter:

1. Maintain Your Lawn at 2-3 inches Until Spring

Don’t store your lawn mower just yet. Grass often needs to be maintained, whether it’s removing leaves and debris or cutting to the recommend height.  Remember, cutting your lawn too short allows for cold weather to damage the crowns and stolen which could cause winter burn.  Just so you know… the crowns are where the grass you see actually grow from.  The Stolen is the root that goes from crown to crown that ties them in together. The stolen is part of the root state but grows on top or just below the surface (very shallow). The actual roots grow down from the crown and the grass is above. That is why it is important to protect these.

2. Add Nutrients To Your Soil

Your grass isn’t going to grow lush and beautiful during the winter, but you should provide it with nutrients. We suggest bio based products to add enzymes to the soil and lime to help with neutralizing the soil after a full year of treatments.  The brutal Alabama weather takes a toll on healthy lawns and sucks out a lot of the nutrients from the soil. Following these steps will help your lawn to be ready for spring.

3. Remove Objects and Debris

It is very important to remove leaves from your lawn. It can change ph levels, cause mold and mildew, as well as a host of other issue if not removed.  We also suggest moving portable fire pits, yard toys and equipment.  Now is the time to clear your lawn of any large objects or debris. Leaving items in your yard for too long traps your grass and prevents it from getting sunlight. This is a surefire way to kill healthy grass, and it will take much longer to grow new than to remove a few items from your yard.

4. Apply a Winter Pre-Emergent

Pre-emergents applied during the winter will help you keep weeds under control for the following spring. By applying during winter, you have the opportunity to attack seeds before they become active.  We suggest planning for your winter pre-emergent now.

Get Winter Lawn Protection Today!

Cold weather is already here, but it’s not too late to protect your lawn from whatever weather winter throws at us.  Contact us today to schedule your winter lawn treatment and make lawn maintenance easier in the spring.