
Summer is grass-cutting season here in Alabama, and it’s almost here. While the world blooms all around us, your grass is busy growing and strengthening into a lush green carpet that complements your home. While nature does a great job of taking care of itself, a lush green lawn isn’t something that happens by accident. It takes careful nurturing and effort on your part, especially if you want to keep other natural elements (e.g., weeds, pests, etc.) at bay.

Here’s how you can achieve your green lawn goals this summer, starting now.

Cut Your Grass at the Right Time

You want your grass to grow, so cutting it sounds counterintuitive. The reality, though, is that cutting your grass the right way can actually lead to thicker, healthier growth.

Cutting your grass too short doesn’t allow it to shade out the weeds, which can quickly get out of control. Not cutting it at all could mean not allowing your yard to properly dry after a heavy rainstorm. Too much moisture can kill the grass and give your weeds a chance to thrive.

Try to maintain a grass height of 3 ½-4 inches. It’s also a good idea to cut your grass mid-morning. This gives your lawn enough time to heal from the blade of the mower and the heat of the sun.

Water Your Grass (But Not Too Much!)

Like us humans, grass needs water to grow and thrive. But keep in mind your grass has varying water needs throughout the day. Watering your grass at night, for example, could lead to excess humidity. If you water the grass during the hottest part of the day, the water might evaporate before it can penetrate into the soil.

The best time of day to water your grass is in the morning before it gets too hot. The water has enough time to soak into the ground, while the sun will burn off excess water.

Nourish Your Grass Regularly

As long as your grass is growing, you might think your lawn has all the nutrients it needs to keep your grass healthy. However, the nutrient supply tends to degenerate over time. This is why fertilizing your lawn during the year is so important to keeping a lush, green lawn.

Using a year-round lawn service can take the guesswork out of feeding your lawn the nutrients it needs. A professional can conduct soil testing to figure out what your grass is lacking and what it needs to continue growing strong and healthy.

Limit Foot Traffic

Reducing foot traffic helps you avoid impaction, which can prevent healthy growth. Compressed soil from kids, pets, cars, and other heavy items can kill the grass. The best way to mitigate this is to aerate your soil and keep it loose so grass can grow uninhibited.

Keep Weeds and Insects in Check

Too many weeds can choke out healthy grass. Weeds zap the soil’s nutrients, leaving fewer resources for your grass to grow. They can also attract insects and other pests that will thrive on your grass.

Lush Green Lawns are Made Year-Round

While summer is the time you want your grass to thrive, the reality is that healthy lawns are a year-round priority. From managing weeds and pests to enriching your lawn with the right nutrients, a year-round yard service gives you the best tools to maintain your lawn (and make it easy to do so!). At Lawn Guard, we help Alabama homeowners maintain their lawns during peak season and the off-season by prioritizing the right activities at the right time. Contact us today to schedule your lawn consultation!