The Best Sprinkler Routine for Your Alabama Lawn

The Best Sprinkler Routine for Your Alabama Lawn

Summer is the time of year when you want to be able to enjoy your lawn, whether you’re hosting games of catch with the kids, creating your own private picnic, or just admiring the beautiful green blanket of grass. Unfortunately, summer is also hard on Alabama lawns...
How to Ensure a Lush Green Lawn This Summer

How to Ensure a Lush Green Lawn This Summer

Summer is grass-cutting season here in Alabama, and it’s almost here. While the world blooms all around us, your grass is busy growing and strengthening into a lush green carpet that complements your home. While nature does a great job of taking care of itself, a lush...
5 Benefits of Lawn Aeration

5 Benefits of Lawn Aeration

Lawn aeration is the secret weapon behind some of the healthiest lawns in Alabama. It’s a process that involves making small holes in the soil to allow for a better flow of oxygen and water. Professional lawn companies use a mechanical method to remove soil, thatch,...